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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 21, 2023 12:00am-1:01am PST

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and what we need to know is whoh all was involved this.ex how many different sex trafficking rings did this intersecngs dit with? who was in charge of these sex trafficking rings? how dotraffickrings? we protectn and girls? how do we begin to shut this downe beis? how do we make certain that people who have been involved with these trafficking ringves are brought to face their penalties and jail time t, and then thereby get justice for these girls? theeby so dick durbin twice cht to push this forward. but we're going to continue goin forwat weg for the subpoen. we're continuing to investigate this. people can keep up with my work. marsha blackburn, scoth myt. >>a senator blackburn, thank you so much for joining us and for your work on this is incrediblny important. that's all the time we have left tonight. thanthat'save leftk so.
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>> yeah. so what it's like to be loved. jamie so scientists just confirmed there are three manmade things that can be seen from outer space. the panaman be canal, the great wall of china and tigris. st >> just kidding about the last one. it's actuall lasy corroding stupidity of the colorado [aupidity of the colorado thank you.>> gre i'll take it. i >> it makes pikes peak look as flat as. >> joe biden's ekg in a 4 to 3 decision, four democrat appointed judges from the ivy league. thague. name from next year's presidential ballot. >>ue just voted to in other wort
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endorsed him. >> they just did more for his chances of becoming president than joe. >> and kamala is incompetencd fe together. >> and that's saying something. are theskamala'se four judges the only people alive who haven't noticed that every coo haven't noticed that every rag, trump's numbers riseer faster than hunter's heart ratee trster than hunter's heart ratee maybe. maybheare they. >> really want cher to move to canada? yeah. insulto cana impeach him.doesn' indict him. it doesn't matter. he's like one of those get strangulation knots that gets tighter. the more you puls l it. re you puls >> trump's a chinese finger cop that tore use on unsuspecting kids that traps their fingers in a small bamboo cylinder. it's how i steal shoes. and with biden polling lower than hamas, the dems are freaking . e freaking which means time to do something unconstitutional and illegall y on his campaign is oh so 2016. so in private club
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in denver, four judges are toasting each other for electiong interference.n, they're looking solemn, nodding like bobbleheads during an earthquake bobbleh. s are champagne corks are popping vegan or d'oeuvres are being passed. liz cheney and rob reiner are calling them to thank him for saving democracy. adam kinzinger is crying tears of joy. and if you have already eatepas. n themselves into a coma, but you know what it all meanse that republicans may have the biggest laugh yet since they sawt obama riding a bike. >> so what is it about trump?th >> the man is a giant orange syringe. a trutmah serum shoved into the collective of our body politic. he's the great revealer. mention his name and the power hungry elite. >> start howling like joy bejar at a full moon theghts sta. th it's as if they're showing you who they really are. you rea lori lightfoot, after covid, the mask is off, and it's terrifying in an act of mile high virtue signaling.
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judges decided that never mind facts, trump must be removed trume his support be removed of insurrection. trump hansurrects four pending l cases and the same amount of charges for insurrectio onis as i do, which is none. never mind n that heone. hasn'ta been tried yet. even special prosecutor jack smith, who's about as unhinged as maxine waters wig could only make up election interference. a bigger >> even that's a bigger stretch than when dana perin o reaches dana perin a door handle. >> so did these judges neveror hear of that innocent until proven guilty thing. >> these robed rubes so? concerned they actually added a provision barring him from being a write rogue candidate. in fact, in colorado now, you're not even allowed to think about donald trump. >> and if you do, they'll make you live in denver. er >> so now that it's reached tha magical thinking status, we're y about to find out who everybody really is. if you're in governmen rt, we're about to hit you with the constitutional sodium pentothal.
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forget the dems. we know what they're going to say. we have to protect democracy constie to protect democracy by spying, censoring, arresting and banning the opposition. >> the worse trump ever did was block someone on twitter until a court said thaid was t violate speech. but every republican candidate now ough t to how much they believe in due process and basic constitutionalve in du principles. >> isn't that right? cookie monster. they have to stand against thisd corrosive event. he's already stated he won't be on the ballot if donald trump isn't. but the left would hatch a 40 year old charge against vivek. two old charge against vivek. negative two. >> but at the next debate, anyt republican who takes anything but an unequivocal stance against this should be givenivos one way ticket to presidential candidate oblivion. e-way tiotherwise known as mit. >> airlines and adsense.e this dentirlines and adsense.e this use of the 14th amendment. >> you know who else is on notice? the suprem14the themselves.eme o
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yeah. you can only hide your feelings about the founding fathersurth. those robes for so long. they're supposed to be our best and brightesthey at minds. an >> and yet one of them is not even sure what a woman is.of t evenand so we're watching scotu. and that means you, john roberts, the only invertebrate with a comb over. they need to remember our system is based on precedent. remember wher system isn harry reidsystem changed the filibuster rule? that precedent allowed republicaneds filibuster merrice garland, allowing trump to gain a scotus majority. w up that blew up their in their mugs so badly. nancy'n theigss face is still recovering. >> tale isk about being hoisted on your own petard. it's happening so often to them . >> they're mentallricay. anyway, this blatant voter id cancellation stand isgran that republicans can do the same. trump not qualifying in coloradt voteo could easily not qualifying in florida. >> is that what we reallyjudges judges deciding our elections?
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i have one word to say to that, jeanine guy. what's going on? she wants the death penalty for leaving the toilet seat up. >> so maybe these four judges had a bout of altitude sickness or hit one of the many legal dispensaries before they voted. >>l thl to be the thinnest thing to come out of colorado since coor os light. >> and what's amazing is all four of them passed the ba or and they sit in judgment of others. that'll keep you up at night. wors th youe than a shortage of flomo . so, thankfullye of, much like joe without his rubber soled shoes, this almost certainly won't stand. but what's sad and amazing is if donald trump had not thatf donald trump had not have. that's tragic and scar'sy becaud as the colorado supreme court accuses trump of insurrection
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and election interference, today's democratic party shoulrd hold that thought. you opened a pandora's box that would make the unabombe a r sue you for plagiarism. let's welcome tonight's guests . unlike dad, dad, he doesn'kets s to see his kids for christmas. actor, writer and comedian f jamie lissauer, she's asshe's committed to reporting as hunter is snorting. former nfl sideline reporter tafoya. [applaus on christmas night, santar. leaves out food for her new york times best selling author "new. imes best selling author and he uses the seattle's seatt needle to remove splinters. "new york times" best selling author, comediane ne and formerr world leader david jamie.
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>> does colorado taking trump away from the ballot remind tyus., you of your ex-wie taking everything you owned and loved away froy from m you? >> only the only difference togonly the only difference is going to get reversed. but yeah, a little bit. ed.i know if he'll be able to surprise once they get past like ten amendments. i'm like, yeah, i don't know what they say. >> yeah, like the 14th one was like, if you incite ann insurrection, you seem to get it convenient that they apply to tonvenient that they apply presidency. and then i guess biden heard what happened. he was like insurrectionhe offi >> i can't get one of those.t ah, a double dosone of . >> yeah. and so his approval ratings are they're very low, right?atis you see, today they were passed by brussel sprouts and bud light. en abus of power like this, greg, since i paid that to time out and she took my wallet.
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this is so unfair. yeah, i'm sorry about that greg you know, michelle, i love the media response to this. i mean, either they're lyingmee. themselves or i wasng and watching something and mary trump was like, she was having r the worst of her life, or bue worst of her life, or >> but they know that this is this is not going to it's unconstitutional. other states reject it. it's it is hilarious. and they are there's like this cheering and it's led by rachel maddow. you know what i want to read one of the dissenting judges to pof the dissenting judges and i'm sorry i have to putglase on glasses because i'm just that blind. he wrote, even if we are convinced that a candidate committed horrible acts in the past, daree pa i say engaged in insurrection, there must be procedural due processindivi before we can declare that individual disqualified from holding public officedud f so three of these judges know,
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yeah, that this is not goings it anywhere. i have the feeling instantly this court in coloradoinstantli. known for something. they want to be the activist>> o they want to be the activist>> o and we're going to be on the map now and everyonus ans is going to remember us. >> so true.o it is going to get overturned by the supreme court. it's . th and you're right, the only way to make this truly, truly convincingmake to everybody, ds it's a90 decision. it's got to be like unanimous. >> as you said, everyone's exa going to tell us exactly who they are. yeahctlyho, it's funny. f the judges that voted for this are all ivy leagues ar and thef judges that don't. i think from denver to denver, they do have a university in denver. do you? i'm not sure ieve,f it's real. >> kat this just cements thi trump as bad boy. k you know, he's like that guy lik that your parents tell you noton to date. and the more they tell you not to date him, the mor thee your t this sounds personal for you yeah. >> uh, i was just using
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a well-worn cliche again. >> oh, is it true thoughay trump doesn't have to do any work if there's one thing he hatesat: ther, it's talking about how the system's against . it's his favorite thing to talk about. trump talking about thise thinga me against him. that's like his canadian .htteacher, right? >> you bring it up and he cananl talkk about.argume and also it's just the argument on the other side. you don't have to like, yo at al to see how absurd it is to. >> say we need to save a democracy and we're going to sav e by not allowing you to vote for this person that you want to vote for, which i thought was like the whole thin wholeg with. but maybe i'm an idiot. yeah, right.o >> it's so there's no way to goi through it. if anything, it does makt e more popular and it does make it it adds another thing where you can say when he does thoseyn rallies, we just extemporaneously speaks. it seems that he'l thosel anothr thing yeah it's true. oh colorado, blah blah blah. now you justblah added more mins
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to his set. yeah you know, it's true. they are electin it's trg him tu because if w you were on the fence about trump, you realizp yoe you have to supt isu realizp yoe you have to supt is they're to take your choice away from you. even if you weren't going chm. if you weren't going >> they're trying to take you away from you. yeah. because if you don't fall in line,him.hey aring too take o to just the differences. president trump has a huge war ches .t of money to be ablefend to defend himself. if he didn't, he'd sitting h in court. >> but the bigger the scarier ti but the bigger the scarier about all the time. so they're usingso their powerss as judges for their personal ar motivations, which in any other situation they should be not judges anymorey should. here's because here's the thing. they're not they know. right. well thing, the reason why they're doing it is a timing thing. >> yes, the suprems e courtt will overturn it. >> but when and what's going to happewhen?n that time, theref will be all kinds of left wing people becausewing p a lot bold. than the right. in order, they'l
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l go their homes, they'll go to their family home. they'll the judge will be sequestered. l go tthey can't come in. they don't want them. then the judges themselves, the whole system might be like, wellquesteree whol, let's wait know, this whole thing blows over before we do in the mediabu going to ramp it in so in a perfect world, he can't an in a perfect world, he can't and then the supreme court sees it after supre the election, thn and they get five more states to do this knowing pretty well it's not going to last. but for them, this whole thing has been a a it's the long game for the left, the extreme left,t the progressives, it's not a short game. they know exactly what they're doing. yeah game. tly what, going to be overturne? but when i think it might be dana says that' dans dana peo i get i get to call her dana she says could happen beforeo ab christmas because it's so absurd. wat your is well-taken. they're going to try to slow walk this like they do with joet . but you know what? the more they orchestrate this stuff agains what trump, the mom you look back at 2020 and you go you that was orchestrated and they told you they literally they're worse than.
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every bad guy in every bad movie ever made. they literally tell you exactly what you're doing. they just putly wh they t trumpt of it all. they do. it's there. they do the speech, they dt's to the kill. you don't get it. scott. yeah, but you just don't you get itou just don't right. kill you. i will talk to you while you untie versus always untying themselves while the villainha is telling him what he's going to do. i saidt he's left leaning sharks with frickin laser beam that hard. all right. up next, plagiarism allegations stacsek against an academic hack . gutfeld writes, there was one christmas when greg finally agreed to stop making jokes about my hair. it was the best 1200 bucks i ever spent. >> gutfeld holiday memories.
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for the holidays. with your help, neither does the red cross. thank. . all right. okay. sure. all s come out in herds saying stole all their words yet there's been another sighting of claudine stealing wordting of claudine stealing harvard president claudine is facing brand new allegations of plagiarisbeen anom and not jr stealing merkel's look, ling t according to the washingtohenrd beacon, harvard received an anonymous complaint from a professor at another university detailing over 40 alleged casesover 4, 40 in we quoted or paraphrased authors without proper attribution. she's accused of missing quotation marks around sentences, lifting entire paragraphs verbatim. kiragraphs verbatim. shopping and you miss the part where you pay for the items
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before you walnd k out. you walnd but it appears all has a doctorate in is cut in paste. her accuser choosing to remain anonymous for feare. of retaliation, not to mention further thefoosing tt. t >> survives calls to resign, and the school stood by he andre after a capitol hill testimony when she refused to condeme refn calls for jewish on campus. maybe she would have condemned it, but she couldn't find any academic scholars to rip off who have written anythin rg like that. >> still, harvard, harvard'ssor facing increased pressure to take action, considering students got plagiarizinta consg routinely suspended. >> someone should teach thoseiz how to plagiarize gaye's defense. >> it appears to wors defensk, e accuse claudine of plagiarism, and we're not so sure. >> w acte actually found tape of her first oral thesis because i have a dream. >> my poor little children one day living nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skiill lin but bn
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the content of their character. the only we have to fear is fear itself. and for my fellow americans,mers ask not what your country can for you. ask what you can do for your country that she was there first. you know these michelle i have, a strategy for claudine becauseh these new charges are so similaner to the previous allegations. shouldn't she claim they're plagiarizing the old>> g charges? >> oh, great point. great point. sereate, i think what people are most about here, greg, is the lack of accountability which we've been seeing go on for years now. hillary didn't have to turn over all those emailhillars. gavin newsom, that is the french laundry, while the rest of us were stuck at home. f us joe biden has plagiarized and he's giving everyone
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payments for their student loans when the rest of us pay them back. and huntergivingryon for is gety with everything. so information. >> information. with something that the students at harvar sd can't get away with. >> and i think people are like, what? ay witin the?i thou you know, it's like, well, i thought we were all supposedge to blde to the same standards being treated equally under the law and under rules in this country. otherwise, what's the point of the law and the rules? be tthis infuriates, by the way, the supreme court ruled against those loans, and he's stilldolig doling out the dough. i know how he gets away with tha o.t. >> ty rez listen, i think i think i think well, firstou of all, you went justice goes too far. i don't think it's fait too r as point if president biden plagiarizings some think we should be proud that he remembered it. >> yeah, i think but you know. gutfeld it was getting kind of a little tough theremartin
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watching martin luther king's speech don't like that. and that l speech. gives you che that up with kennedy. was a it was about to be a verboy different set right now. t righ but it's a great pointt . >> but this is equity hires this is what you what we've comeuity hig see with equity hih and those are you forget is is f they do a bunch of nefarious stuff in the back and they put somebody they propar s in the they propar front who's the first or fits the thing but in these equity hires often know what they're being hired from. they could have founs often davo a qualified person to lead harvard that just happened to b o leade black, asian or whateve. but the most important thing, the word, the ke, y thereified. is qualified. she's a dishonest person. shdid she will do person. whatever she has to do to get to the top. that's not who i want. teaching not who young, bright ' in this country. but let's face it, this is where we'rece at. and any other organization, any >>d any other organization, any on the spot. >> yeah. if you were just off of merit,
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thisou were just off of merit, this is the dean.e this is the top dog of harvardto afra is the top dog of harvardto and that means if there's one afraid, just imagine it. afraid to accuse somebodying in of something in this country. that's where we're tco at. because they'll come get you. because trutouh facts mean nothing with the equity hires, and that's what we get. >> you d 'so catch people thinkn >> you d 'so catch people thinkn admissionsgoin to harvard, but i think it's actually going to generate more admissions from studentdmissions, you know, they can get away with . >> i mean, i rememberemembe the plagiarism they found and they said, oh, we addedotes the around everything, so we're good. yeah, but i'm so confuse a everythidere wro confuse a by that because i thought when you're writing a paper, you're supposed to be providing an originaitpape l thought behind it. it. >> i mean it's forget harvard, forget college, even elementary school book reports know that you hav e a report. do you can't just turn in the book. yeahjust. p you can't print it out and put quotes on each sidese it and be
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like, here you go. but no, no, no, don't, i the quote i'm not trying to say this is my book. i'm quoting book. >> you couldn't do that in a fifth grade. yeah. because you have to saye what you think about something. you can't just copy and paste other people's. cop and put it p all together and put up as your own. you're supposed to be adding some kind of originaus ol or what are you even doing. yeah. you knowt or wha, tavis made a d point, jamie. imagine if this was in any other vocation or airlin anye pilot. >> what if he cheated in his flight school over 40 or 70 times and other people take>' ,his flight school? for him, it's scary. it is scary orscary. if he's on that thing and he's like, oh, we're at 10,000 feet. >> and you're like, i heard that already you. lready grade point. actl >> this worries me. this is exactly why i'm not going to send my kids to harvard. that ino sen n not smart enougha on. >> i don't know the money,ren' but she looks like it's hard not to go out and she looks sh fromgo out and she looks the incredibles. and a pair of glasses had a baby cat.
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it's we got talking about me. i talked to a bunch of my t friends about this thing we talked about, like plager. if i went deep dee into thesearticl one of the articles if you collected clicked, it had like exactlyes clicked. she plagiarized and i had like the original paper in blue and her son read it. orig in bl and. it. right. it's like paragraphs and words like this. what seems intention. and to. what but we're talking about it like in standup comedy and howi. people steal jokes and how some i don't know why it's more serious in songs it'seriou it is inhe standup than it is. this seems like it should be the most serious. it's lik s like the president fe with my jokes, like i had eith my jokes, like i had and they brought it back, they're like, this doesn't work. >> and you know, i know your whole story isn't real se youd with you isn't real were talking to your friends. yeah, yeah. hey, i, i if, i close my eyesis i get to see him. >> gre all right? do you remember what they did to melania right. trump? my god, you had some plagiarized sections, and that's. yeah, yeah, it was as though
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the world had ended. exactly. and now they're hoping this storended.y away, much like this break. >> up nexte this, ruining chriss is a cinch if you're a climate c grinchhristm, if you'll be in tw york area, i'm like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to joi n our audience. my agency was up here. now it's down with riverstone. than peop now, my doctorle told me rebels this lower day one see better than a leading branded pil i goe and that people taking rebels with. >> i got to my one single and lost some weight to rebels. this isn't for people with type one diabetes. one diabetes. don't take rebel ifin you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or had multiple endocrine neoplasiaor l syndrome type two or if
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my in my head yard bought here please to just cancel your plans of live main line. they want to sit on your head. well was oh my when you need
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holiday cheer to just call the fun police lousy liberal parents glee having no presents under the tree so no four years that climate activists can ruin pretty much anything and now they've go tree.t a new target. christmas gifts. writing in the daily mail,w n de one woman details why she and her husband will be buying gifts. any gifttad s for each other ori their two daughters this year. these parents are so climatetwoa they won't even give their daughters coal. yeah, they also santa about the carbon footprint of ninef nine reindeer quote we're increasingly aware of the"we're global impact of our purchases. everything we buy the kids will bingle will go into landfis with the planet on firese, litia plastics everywhere. it seems like we are at a moment of reckoninl. e g and have time. been for some time. what hogwash maybe what you're buying the kid"s go to a landfill.
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>> if you weren't buying, trash . >> but it's pretty convenient. they decide to have the kidsth first, then decide to stop buying presents. maybe >> but hey, maybe this christmas i'll finally believe the climate change i'l hoax becl it'll save me money. she says. she also force d the rulehece on the whole family, telling the kids, grandparents and aunts and uncles not to get the kids anything either. however, the kids are bucking te the system and begging santa fo sr just one thing. >> new parents tires. are you thinking about using this strategy? >> i wish they would have brought it two weeks ago. you know, i hate to be sexist here, but i got to be me. so funny how it's the wife who's making all these rules,ri? right? no more presents. no m the environment. mo
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you christmas morning, they'll come walking out to get ready to have their avocadmet too pase on fake bread. m >> and she'll look at the tree and go, where's my gift, honey? yeah, jerry and t it. y >> i, i went through the same thing this year. listen, i've been all year, etc., etc.. do we really to ge t our stuff t under the tree?lu no, let's be.tely no, absolutely not. on the kidst. not. this year are great. so for the record, no giftor thg under the tree, right? yes. no gifts under the tree. awesome. greagiftunder th.t. let it go. woke up the next day, figured let me ask one more time. >> are we sure no gifts underl,e the tree? well, here's a couple of things i coulre ared. yeah, i guess. who doesn't have under the tree ? me under. >> and that list was daunting
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at, you know, cat tire s bringspaper, up a good point. maybe the paper, the daily mail should d dailyshouldo a fact chk on december 26. >> okay. deceo yeah, i don't. i don't have anything on my husband. he doesn't have anythingi don'ti me i know that sounds really nice. and it is, but i do maket soundm drive my cat to detroit every year, and i'm not joking every single year because the cat can't be alone. not just anybody can give this cat the medication. these feral who call your eyes out. th m so he needs to be with me.e of but because of his heart problem, he can't fl hearty. so he has to be driven to detroit and i don't drive. oh, he has to drive for hou 12 hours. and then when you get therrse you're in detroit. >> he' >> i love.s he's giving the gift. yeah. travel yeah.fice >> yes. he said after his office party was like, what you do for christmas. he was like driving my wife's cat to detroit party . t to detroit party think about the conversation
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every year. i'm like, babe, this will besat. last year. >> like, he's not going to live another year. yeg. er year. >> it's remarkable. >> jamie, i could make a joke about how you can't give your kids gifts because k you're broke. >> but i'm going to say restraininidreg. but it's still like they shouldo have somebody go to her housese and see on day because, you know, this is all she's lying. >> it's all i would be it would be if it was true. s lyin it would be cool to date likeg. a global activist, because she'>> if cd be like, what didt me for anniversary? >> we like, what's global warming? you wouldn't hav warminge get yeah. anything. you know what i mean? but i think the difference, though, kat, is likek th the ki that's the part that i don't get. i think you don't want to do this. get.sort otei of hate christmas. right. and i had a rough like the last year i was marriede last i had a rough chris i went over to the house and i was like a friend, an two of the stockins at my ex-wife's house. we're just some guy sockex-wifs.
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oh, sorry. hold on. i got knock. what i. i said, she's not dying, sose i don't want to.g. >> yeah, but i, i just honestly believe it's for the. i rememberr when. when i first got divorced. no, just like i sat my kid downo and, like,ne of o sa one of the things to say is, you know, you have, like, the talk, and i go, hey, it's not your faulttal >> know it's your mom's fault. and i remember, i, i rememberidw i said i was going to live in a different placase in. his first question was, will you like i go, are there any questions? and he was little, but he goes where you knew place have a chimney. and i go, yeah. and he goes, does that mean santcehavehimneya come? like tws year? and i just go like, oh my god, buddy. i thins n k, you know, i think he maybe he'll come twice and he goes, he goes, you know what? i think i you guys u are doingu guys the right thing here. that's what's michelle. >> i t is amazing to me that these so-called still do this really transparent fake virtue signalingstil because, sa you know, this isn't true and it's so easy to exposelip br
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because their kids are going to talk. >> they are going to tal are go >> you know what? she conveniently wrote this, ten days before srote this, the holiday? yeah. so she could get it printed, get her virtuehe could out theru her point about climate. the world's on fire. i'm forcint there,g my aunties and uncles and grandparents don't buy my children giftstimew to pass. >> okay, silo about the 22nd of december and she'll go, oh, god, i just can't it i, i mean, her children are like seven ande four and they just she want them to just come downt th and d nothing. yeah. also and the way that she i'm forcing others to do the same. >> well so what people do what the they want. give her kids gifts. yeah, i had the forcing otherssm is plagiarism. >> forcing him, forcing him to do it. she's forcing the husband to do it. guess who. guess who ion december 23rd ist to say, i'll run to the storehe and everybody presentst ev'll me the husband.
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he's going to make sure everyone has presence on that chil hasnderl. it wasn't my idea.t it was. this wasmy all to to impress i people of of how thoughtful she is. >> but she's lying. this is what virtue signalingg is. it's a lie. all right. coming up with a potato. her gift for working a shiftup, copd isn't pretty out of breath, , but this is my story. r a full and with one staley trilogy, it can still be beautiful because can still be beautiful because with three medicines and one inhaler trilogy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare ups. trilogy also improves lung trilogy also improves lung function so i can breath problee freely all day and night. trilogy won't replace a rescueh, for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or hig phif wr
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>> yo camping, buddy. >> okay. read ohy? >> dude, i thought you were driving. i thought you were driving along. >> i was. that i was driving. i definitely can't drive. if you're high, just don't drive. it's illegal everywhere. if you feel different, you drive different. braves spectacular christmas segment. a couple, larry. >> christmas. oh, wow. ho-ho-hoit was a christmas dud e form of a spud. a hospital worker. series of tweets gone viral detailing her employers odd choice ristmas , a christmas bonus,a a baked potato . aman >> amanda beard claims bonumanda beard claims as an employee bonus, complete with all the fixins like sour cream, shredded cheese, or as john daly calls breakfast. oh, i know, i googled fat
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people and she says management d claimed that because it had a 15 dollar value it wouldn he be taxed on her next check. be taxed on her next check. a $15 potato? >> there are only $10 at neiman marcuspo? 15, but seriously, 15, but seriously, as much as they chargech the patients. i' patients.d get a second opinn on that value or or do 100 does just have with the potatoe and deductse it. yeah. potat>> gost bar was an improvement over last year's bonus, which wasth a 30 minute conference call with the company's leadership. >> but hey, maybmpany'e bucks fr a potato ain't bad. cnn paid way a more for theirs, right? and never do you think thiskat, is real? se de, i thought it might be,oo but then she took it a little too far in the reply.
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somebody said, can you opt out? and she said, no. >> so just a mandatory potato board. >> but like, if it's if she said get the condition of her employment, that's probably not . >> yeah, i don't know. i don't know because it's there's too many question knowmaybre's too many question marks. but then again, maybe it is real. maybe they had a potato bae .r. >> michelle they might have had a potato bar. but if this is the bonus, if thisr bu is a nurse right ata a hospital, i'm really i wanthi to know where hospital this is and i want to stay away. yeah wt to. because this this is what they're giving up for bonuses for these hardworkinnuses fo g nurses. hardworkinnuses fo >> i don't trust them to reopen them. yeaht me you know, they cut you you open and then they just you open and then they just sour cream. chives? yeah. you come out twice. bakesoesd. e ou they they call thesel thes hot potatoes. >> i don't know,e jamie, what o you think? do they baked potatoes in alaska? yeah
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, they do it. >> and it takes longer to bake, and it's freezing. 's i think it's real. i think it's totally real. real.i think the opt out.out i think she was talking about the tax. you can opt out of the tax . deepn opt out of the tax >> no, you're included. i did a deep dive. she's got paperwor dive.gok stu i think the problem with this is the presentation like sayinig here's your bonus and it's a potato bar, right? like if they just go, oh, here's potbay just a potato, no deal. it'd be like if you were with your girlfriendif you wer oth your girlfriendif you wer got down on one knee and gavnee her a mcrib. like, had you just given her ab mcrib? but she wouldn't be upsebut sht but it's like the presentation is you say potato. i sa y quit. >> yeah. e ho yeah. e she left the hospital's name out of it because she didn't doo to get fired. >> what do you think, mark? yeah, mark, listen, i think? k what happened was, is they the bonus was they had the potato bonus. mm-hmm. they brought a potato bar in for everybody. yeah p. e on and so if you whether you take i haso if you whether you take charged a little bit. right. have seen that like usually it's an openthat u
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bar, but in this case it's a potato bar. >> and again, to michelle's point, it's a little sketchy. >> i a m on my deathbed dea and they're like, sure, we can't cure you, but therth theea potato. >> yeah, i don't. i'm like, wellt , how about a second opinion? nope. potato. you know, curing problems in the hospital with food for a hospital? >> yeah. i don't really want everyonet i' touching, you know? >> i'm saying like, yeah, yeahm there's sick people in there. >> yeah. yeah. no one else outs the potato. >> i'm not eating. and it's hard for me because i love potatoes. yeahno but i'm just like, with the gloves on. yeah, just your . yeah. going to get you a potato sticke and that's hopefully all hethats checked because look at him, look at the little twinkle all g in his eyes like, oh, we're going to get, we're going to get a proctologist a t>> gre right now. >> mary yeah, i just wonder. it's like, what about the po's like, what about the at the potato bar? >> do they all get masheta.
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you know, every election cycle we talk about this is the most election of our lifetime. is lawrence this one is i have been fortunate and blessed to, during the course of being vice president, have many situationgs ,ones where it becomes clear to me that there are,very you know, people of every age and gender, by the way, who see something about being the first,g bein that them knowd they don't need to be limited by other limited understanding of who can do what. of who can do what. >> she wenwat to the potato bar and got mashed at happy weight and got vodka. >> yes. you know w, whatever happened.ou this happens so often with her. >> i have no idea what she was. i think i know maybe what shere was trying to say, but i i can't be sure. and now i feel like i'm wastedsn
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. >> after listening, kyra, she's trying to say that we >>o sa be inspired by here as women. and i kind of am. yeahinspiredr as. so i love to beent that incompetent and yet that powerful. right. and yenot not, she was drunk.s drun k.i mean, i think we can sayk is that. >> i think it's a fact. i think isn' at worse if she's not. >> i know that's i'm trying not? greg: i. 's i'm trying >> yeah, she was like, this is the most election. what does that even mean, jamie? it's like shn e lost. >> what better being got rid of you? like he played pasta, potatopoto with his brain? >> yeah, i've actually. that'sit where i've been meaninh to tell you. >> this is the most tv >> this is the most tv it's likeve. it's. it's like some of the words fell off her script when she sh >> yes, she's missing. i think it's so surprising that. not one interviewer when she says this. she sayso erno one ever goes.
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>> can i ask you a follow up?u and they go, what? and they go, are you talking about like not one person? right. tara's word. final care to any have bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. lf do a whole show just talkingnd a like her got me thinking big big words problem. last >> listen, last night, ifni you watch the show , i was able to decode mayor adams mouth. >> yes. mm-hmm a' . mm-hmm a' . the only thing is clear to mmee is that she's drunk and not just regular drunk. this is wine drunk box of wine dress. and she's. if you're so drunkf that yoyo n asians have a problem with gender, you are out of your mind. no one else here that bit me.t yes. you got asiansbu? you've with. thi >> the gender thing, a brilliant husbanng
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d ain't beenhusbanng home in months, bro. he won'to. die.d to >> he's supposed to die. i'm the president so you getr all bosses. >> well, yeah yeah she's far away from just waving her hand at the bar. you end up with a big club like this. i'm like, yeah, i'm full. sorry. woo woo! go! trump well, okay, you not to go away. we'll be right back.
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